Digital Marketing during Coronavirus

Digital Marketing during Coronavirus

Digital Marketing during Coronavirus Businesses are going to struggle for a while Digital Marketing during Coronavirus slows down fast as the numbers have dropped in China, businesses are going to struggle for well over a year because they will have to make up for their losses. For example, in China the virus caused retail sales to drop by 20.5% and the unemployment rate jumped to 6.2 in February. When companies like…

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How to Use Facebook Lead Ads to Grow Your Business

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Facebook lead ads can accomplish a variety of marketing objectives, but they’re best at helping with one of marketing’s golden rules: Know thy audience. Many marketers think they know their audience, but often confuse customer data with customer analytics. In a mostly online ecosystem, it’s easy to forget that sometimes the best way to learn about customers is to just ask questions. That’s exactly what Facebook lead ads (sometimes called…

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LinkedIn Marketing Tips

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9 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips (That Actually Work) Home » Blog » Social Media » 9 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips (That Actually Work) The world is shrinking. Remember the Six Degrees of Separation trend from the 1990’s? The hypothesis was that anyone in the world could be connected to anyone else by only six people. Meaning your friend who has a friend (and so on) somehow knows LeBron James. Cool idea, right? It’s now down to…

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The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing

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The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing The perfect resource for beginner-to-advanced digital marketers looking to learn new skills or hone existing ones. The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing is full of insights and strategy for business owners, marketing professionals, students, and anyone else looking to hone their current skills and get up to speed on the latest in digital marketing. Read it now to build or refine your digital marketing plan…

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